Monday, August 4, 2008

There is only one turn in bed...

...and it's away from the other person.

That was some of the great direction dished out yesterday while filming "Up the Creak." Other things learned:

-A sheet will not billow when it needs to be billowed.
-200 watts is enough. 2500 watts is too much.
-Having a director of photography (DP) is really, really helpful.
-Holding a picture in the background is not really the DP's job.
-Bedroom scenes are better when the actors know each other.

What a fun shoot. That's what happens when you have a DP, pre-plan all the shots, and the actors do a great job.

Thanks so much to everyone who helped out. "Up the Creak" will be up August 15th!

1 comment:

Brian McCloskey said...

I confidently predict that this will be the best short yet....if not the best film ever made.