Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Question the Short-a-Week Project

Have you been DYING to ask us a question or two about our shorts? Or, can you make up a question and pretend as if you've been dying to ask it? Well, now is your chance!

To celebrate our 26th short (half-way to 52...a year of short films) we're answering questions in front of the camera. I know, exciting stuff!

Just leave a comment with a question about one of our shorts or the project as a whole: there's a good chance we'll read it, answer it in front of the camera, use your name, and make you famous. Like, better than 50/50.

We need all questions by Wednesday (tomorrow) at 10:59 PM. Random time? No! We're filming at 11!

Think think think.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you could pick one short to re-shoot, which short would that be? And what would you do?