Tuesday, October 7, 2008

One Star Videos, Rejections, and Writing

It appears someone went through and gave our last few videos one star each on YouTube, which makes little sense, since each of those videos is totally different, and many people (ie: our relatives) have said they're some of our best vids yet.

The fact is, I don't care if you give our videos one star, but with such a polarizing vote, please, please leave a comment so we know what sucked so bad about it. Was it the abysmal lighting done by yours truly? The shaky sound by yours truly? The acting by yours truly?

Come to think of it, a one-star rating with no follow up is probably personal... hmm, who would have something against The Short-a-Week Project?

Two words: rejected writers.

Well, if I'm right, I'll just say hey, I'm sorry your script was rejected...but keep writing. The fact that I even replied to you means you're on the right track and are welcome to send your next one. (shortaweek@gmail.com)


Start your own short film project! Seriously, it's one of the reasons I started The Short-a-Week Project: was tired of writing sketches for a friend's comedy group and then having them rejected or not performed.

And so...

I feel your pa(l)in. But please, don't give us one star without a reason.

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