Friday, June 13, 2008

The Nigerian Banker - The Making of a Short Film

Last minute change of plans had me writing a short at 7:30 pm on a Thursday night, and filming it an hour later. Some highlights from the 45 min shoot.

(L = Lawrence, Me = Me)

L: Ooh, looks like a film set in here.
Me: Without the good lighting and expensive film equipment.

Me: Is this side table close enough?
L: How about I just put the coffee cup next to me on the couch, since there is nothing in it anyway.
Me: That will work.

Me: Cut.
L: I messed that up again, huh?
Me: This is not only the more important line, but it's the only line I really care about. You can mess up all the other lines in the script, but this one has to be right.
L: Thanks for not being dramatic.

Thanks to my girlfriend for the idea of using the Nigerian Internet scam in this obvious sequel to Not a Girl. Hey, when you're pressed for time, return to what you know.


Laura said...


Anonymous said...

Hey, very cool idea!

You should post the films on there's a great community on there and loads of access to Actors and Writers etc.


Eric said...
