Friday, August 29, 2008

Don't Follow Me - Week 21

Warning: This horror/thriller short film starring Kenna Knost and Lawrence Long might scare you. In fact, I hope it does.

Seriously though, it's not for kids. Let's say, if you're under 13, don't watch it.


"Don't Follow Me"

Monday, August 25, 2008

Short on Scripts

No, I don't mean we're making a short about scripts, I mean we need more scripts.

This was realized after writing a script an hour before actors were to arrive last Sunday.

That's not really fair to the actors.

And so, we need to stockpile.

Got a script? Send it over!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Week 20 - All the Best Lines

Week 20 - "All the Best Lines"

"Coming next summer, a movie so ridiculously good, it doesn't even make sense."

Starring (in order of appearance):

Cecily Schaefer
Chad Kennedy
Stefanie Oudiz
Lawrence Long (Voice)
Howard Padwa
Eric Myers
Kenna Knost
Lawrence Long

Written by Brian Hurley
Directed and Edited by Eric Myers

Song: "Creepy Doll" by Jonathan Coulton


All the Best Lines

Thursday, August 21, 2008

All the Best Lines Is Going to Be Great

I can feel it...

Tune in tomorrow. It will be up.

Monday, August 18, 2008

All the Best Lines + Parking Garage

Wrapped up some good takes on "All the Best Lines" which may go through some changes...since Brian Hurley wrote it with a cast of 15, and we had, oh, 8 actors and/or passerbys chip in and help out, which will have to do. And so, the script may change.

We shall try to keep the "spirit" of the shoot alive, as always.

Shot Parking Garage which will not be the name of the short, but is more of a location.

Some "almosts" on Parking Garage

-Kenna's flip-flop almost got ran over by Lawrence's car
-Some people walking by almost questioned what we were doing
-Lawrence almost pretended to ride some guy's motorcycle
-Lawrence almost got killed by the owner of the motorcycle he almost pretended to ride
-The cameraman (me) almost tripped on a parking block and almost fell on his face almost breaking his camera

Friday, August 15, 2008

Week 19 - Up the Creak

Wait no longer

The Short-a-Week Project Presents..


"A guy who can't stop joking about the upstairs neighbors gets on his girlfriend's last nerve."

Written by Brian McCloskey
Director of Photography - Linda Abbott
Directed and Edited by Eric Myers

Starring: Chad Kennedy and Cecily Schaefer

Still editing

Lunch ran long.

Then it got so hot

I had to take a nap.

"Up the Creak" coming in less than an hour!

"Up the Creak" will be up shortly

"Up the Creak" is almost done!

But right now I have to go out to lunch with my friend Carlos a.k.a. Mr. LA.

Why do they call him Mr. LA?

Think about that while I'm gone.

Meanwhile, have you watched all of our shorts? And our new promo video?


Prove it!

(or just comment)


Thursday, August 14, 2008

Michael Phelps's Home Movies

Just kidding.

That Phelps is so hot right now.

Thought about doing a short about Phelps's text messages, but couldn't find the right set of spandex pants for Lawrence to wear.

Coming Friday: Up The Creak

Which reminds me, I need to record some "creaks."

Writer/Director/Foley Artist

Monday, August 11, 2008

Promo Video Number One

Promotional Video - Short-a-Week Project

Sunday, August 10, 2008

All the Best Lines

Lawrence's reference to my dramatic acting debut is from a short we've been filming in pieces for a week or two: ALL THE BEST LINES

Written by Brian Hurley

Title by Eric Myers

Who may change it to "Coming Next Summer"

Who knows?

All I know is that we might start asking people on the street to do cameos.

Next time, Brian, less actors.

But thanks for the script!


Saturday, August 9, 2008

Shot with the GL1

Yes, Vacuum was shot on a used Canon GL1. Did you notice? Perhaps if you check it out on YouTube and click "Watch in High Quality."

Try it!

"Up the Creak," coming Friday, was also shot on the GL1 AND we had a cinematographer. It should look good. Real good.

And if it doesn't, we will blame the video transfer...something that sounds important, but has yet to be investigated by the Short-a-Week Project.


So I'm thinking....

With all the amazing footage we got tonight.....

We must of got something good.....

I thing we got something good........

I fucking know it.

Check in soon to see E's debut as dramatic actor....

trust's worth it

Friday, August 8, 2008

Week 18 - Vacuum

"The hardest thing to do in a relationship is to listen."

Lawrence Long
Kenna Knost

Songs by Frantic Taste
Check 'em out:

Now enjoy Vacuum - A Short About Listening

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

short shorts mini shorts daisy dukes

The Short-a-Week Project

Making shorts.

And using sexual innuendo to get more hits.

Monday, August 4, 2008

There is only one turn in bed...

...and it's away from the other person.

That was some of the great direction dished out yesterday while filming "Up the Creak." Other things learned:

-A sheet will not billow when it needs to be billowed.
-200 watts is enough. 2500 watts is too much.
-Having a director of photography (DP) is really, really helpful.
-Holding a picture in the background is not really the DP's job.
-Bedroom scenes are better when the actors know each other.

What a fun shoot. That's what happens when you have a DP, pre-plan all the shots, and the actors do a great job.

Thanks so much to everyone who helped out. "Up the Creak" will be up August 15th!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

My New Video Camera on the Cover of Entertainment Weekly

What's it mean when a cover features a blonde from The Hills and all I can think is, "Is that a Canon GL1, the camera I just bought?"

I'm not sure, but there's the GL1, in a starring role!

Okay, so it's probably the Canon GL2, not the GL1. But a boy can dream, right?

horror mayhem murder madness

Just some things I'm trying to keep in mind as I rewrite DARKROOM, a low budget horror-thriller.



Go go go.

(That would be the cheerleader inside encouraging me to stop blogging and get back to rewriting...)

Okay, I'm gone.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Week 17 - A Scene from Darkroom

The Short-a-Week Project Presents: "A Scene from DARKROOM"

This is a scene taken from one of my yet-to-be-produced screenplays. Kenna and Paige did a great job, and Lawrence helped out with some of the directing and the boom.

A little background:

"When dead bodies show up in her photos, Ashley believes her camera takes pictures of old murders.

Walter is the shady man who runs the B&B. Is that him in the photos, with a knife? Ashley doesn't want to wait to find out."

Ashley - Paige Jarvie
Karen - Kenna Knost

Song "Haunt You" by Clare Means

Enjoy! I mean, be afraid...