Friday, August 15, 2008

Week 19 - Up the Creak

Wait no longer

The Short-a-Week Project Presents..


"A guy who can't stop joking about the upstairs neighbors gets on his girlfriend's last nerve."

Written by Brian McCloskey
Director of Photography - Linda Abbott
Directed and Edited by Eric Myers

Starring: Chad Kennedy and Cecily Schaefer


Brian McCloskey said...

On August 15, 1988, I saw Mississippi Burning at the Strand Cinema in Derry; exactly twenty years later, something I wrote is on the interwebs. Coincidence? Or evidence of larger forces at work, unseen hands guiding our destinies in ways we cannot begin to understand?

Anonymous said...

"Coincidence? Or evidence of larger forces at work, unseen hands guiding our destinies in ways we cannot begin to understand?"

Feast of the Assumption, innit? Intercession by the Co-Redemptrix.

Brian McCloskey said...

Feast of the Assumption, innit? Intercession by the Co-Redemptrix.

There's no literal connection.

Eric said...

This is the most confusing set of comments I've ever seen.

Let me add to that confusion.

No, it is not dangerous to confuse children with angels.

Brian McCloskey said...

This is the most confusing set of comments I've ever seen.

You're like a child who wanders in in the middle of a movie and wants to know...

apairofhsus said...

Well, I was going to comment that I liked the color contrasts and the acting but that the sound wasn't the greatest. But that seems so mundane in comparison to the line of commenting going on here. Sorry.

Eric said...

Yeah, the acting and color/lighting was great.

What didn't work about the sound? Hard to hear the dialog?

We're still learning about "sound."

Eric said...

Yes, I am that child in the movie theater.

Except now that child has a new iPhone and can look up the movie on IMDB without bothering anybody.

Kids these days.

Brian McCloskey said...

The story is ludicrous.

Laura said...

Is Brian really a transvestite?

Eric said...

You might ask Brian.

Brian McCloskey said...

Is Brian really a transvestite?


Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Eric said...

I guess it makes sense that our most popular short would have the most comments. Good commenting, people. I applaud your opining.

Laura said...

Whoa! Not sure what happened, probably I'm just technologically inept, but as soon as "Up the Creak" ended, some bikini woman video came on unannounced. Just thought you should know....
Anyway, very funny video! Witty.

Eric said...

Thanks. It's our most popular video. You might have your youtube on continuous play or something...bikini videos are not a part of the short-a-week project.