Friday, October 24, 2008

Lessons learned in this first half of the project

Below are some lessons learned, which also may provide good justification for why we must go on hiatus right now (but to return in 2009!)

Lessons Learned from doing 26+ shorts for The Short-a-Week Project:

-I'm pretty good at writing, editing, and soundtrack supervising

-I'm OK at directing

-I'm BAD at producing, lighting, sound, kraft servicing

Other lessons:

-If you do a short film every week, your real work may pass you by in this race called "life," and you'll have to start catching up in October.

-Cameras cost a lot of money and should not be purchased used on Ebay

-Producing is hard. Did I mention that? It's surprisingly difficult to arrange times when actors are available.

-Sound recorders and mics are necessary, and worth saving for. So start saving.

Things that will happen in 2009:

-New camera. The shorts will look good.

-New microphone. The shorts will sound good.

-Planned shoots - The shorts will have a scheduled day and time to shoot.

-Start looking for actors early. Like, two weeks before the planned day and time.

-Be at least three shorts ahead of schedule.

Possible things that will happen in 2009:

-Recruit a Director of Photography...or two.
-Group writing sessions
-More craigslist ads for short scripts and actors
-More fun?
-More fun!


see ya in 2009!

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