Wednesday, June 4, 2008

iMovie and its Limitations

I've cut (edited) these first nine movies on iMovie, the editing software that comes standard with the new MacBook.

iMovie is great for uploading videos, making a few cuts, and throwing some music on there.

iMovie is not-so-great for cutting back and forth between different takes, and layering sound from one clip over another.

iMovie is FRUSTRATING AS HELL if you're cut your films into pieces and want the sound to be consistent and not automatically fade-in on every damn clip, which may SEEM like a good thing, but when you are putting in 1 second clips, the dialog sounds like a car going by. You know, like:

"...hey man, what HAVE YOU been up to..."

This didn't annoy me the first seven movies I cut. Recently, however, this has become unbearable.

Final Cut Pro never looked so attractive.

Stay tuned...more editing software related posts in the future! Oh boy!!1!

And Coming Friday: I Used To Be Somebody (Working Title)

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