Saturday, June 14, 2008

A Short About Shorts, Sher-lick Holmes, and more..

Time to plan ahead. Future Short Ideas:

-Post No Bills 2 (Lawrence's version if he sends me something soon; the original plan if not)
-A short about shorts
-Sher-lick Holmes: A short about a detective who uses his tongue to detect
-A short acting out the article Flip-a-Towel while it's read in Spanish! (j/k)
-Short Documentary on the 99 with voice-over commentary
-A Chinese instructional video about Americans (In Mandarin. Seriously.)

Larger Projects in development (in code, so you don't STEAL the ideas)
-Survival Vid (5 parts)
-Anti-Stereo (at least 5 parts)
-Chair in There (1 part)

Of course, we're open to ideas. We'll even give you credit.

I know Brian Hurley is thinking really hard about his "massage" short right now. Thanks Brian.

1 comment:

apairofhsus said...

What about a Japanese game show? You might get some YouTube traffic that way. I'll email you any other brilliant ideas I think of.