Thursday, July 10, 2008

iMovie Demonstration at the Apple Store

Lawrence thought it might be a good idea for us to learn EVEN MORE about iMovie, the program we edit all our short films on. And so I met him on the Third Street Promenade today and we got the demonstration.

The guy giving the demonstration wasn't bad, but he had trouble finding some of the short-cut keys. At one point, after our leader had been searching for a minute, I leaned over to Lawrence and said, "The shortcut is Command-Shift."

"You should tell him."

"I think you're looking for Command-Shift!" I shouted to the presenter.

He looked a little rattled when I shouted, but the shortcut worked and the presentation could continue. I suppose it wasn't so nice to shout, but hey, we don't have all day - this is the Short-a-Week Project.

We now have learned how to edit each individual sound clip; as well as cutting pieces of audio in Garage Band and putting them in iMovie. Ah, the benefits of the in-store demonstration. Seriously.

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